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50cm x 50cm x 240cm

Plywood, Aluminum

 “     “ , 2011

50cm x 50cm x 240cm

Plywood, Aluminum

A minimalist piece to illustrate something that people often neglect or take for granted – Space. In a gallery, the artworks are mere objects within a “white cube”, and they are at the mercy of both the uncontrollable environment and the curator. This work attempts to speak of the uncontrolled aspects of the gallery, the divisions within the space.

The form of the door suggests the concept of transition and movement between spaces, it also suggests a divider between spaces and marks areas for exhibition, a space for voices to be spoken and heard. This questions what if what we usually take to be a divider – a wall. Its positioning can be anywhere within any space. With this form, there is a blur between entrance and exit, inside and outside, personal and private.